Monday, July 25, 2011

And the walls continue to go up...YAY

Wow, things have been moving slowly lately but progress is still being made.  Unfortunately, Wisconsin is not only extremely cold during the winters but the summers can be extremely hot.  So movement in the camper is going slow.  But we do have a another wall area up and are very Excited about it. 

I'm going to do the before and after post like I did on the last one.  As that the before pics were posted so very long ago. 

So here is a before pic of what the couch area was like.....

Isn't this couch just beauteous....NOT!!!.  It was sticky and gross so it had to go. 

Here is the new wall.  Remember we don't have the trim up yet.  We will finish all the walls before we put that up.

We are going for more of a rustic/cabin kind of feel here.  So far we have been able to obtain that.  We use Luann (sp?) board and then stain it.  It has the right thickness to it and is a bit more economical then 1/4" plywood.  You do have to look at the wood grain on each sheet however, as they all are not the same. 

I will build the seating and storage unit this winter for this area.